Monday, September 29, 2008


To some this blog entry may be offending. I apologize in advance.

I think that the united states government is way wrong in how it is handling our state of crisis. I also believe that something needs to be done about it. I believe neither Obama or McCain have the power to heal the government after what Bush has done. I don't believe neither one knows how to heal the government. I think they both will destroy the U.S. further. I also think Bush should have never been able to conduct his politics in the White House as he has made our country a disgrace to live in. I personally would like to reside in another country maybe somewhere they don't tap people's telephones and read the publics e-mails.... I mean, I think within a matter of years our country be in a state of depression and also I think this country will be slowly turned into a dictatorship.

If it was up me I would take those government guys who advise the Bush, McCain, and Obama administration and I would give a different job and a set amount of money each month lets say 2,000 a month. Do you know where they'd be???? They would be where most the of the general public is which is two steps away from being homeless. After a few years of living like that I would put them back in their positions and I guarantee they would gladly change their opinions.

I am scared to state anything in fact, Because I would not want to be drug away in handcuffs cause you know that just how our government works. I am ashamed to acknowledge I am an American.

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